BIO International Convention
Boston, USASaxoCell being represented by Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen and Biosaxony
SaxoCell being represented by Wirtschaftsförderung Sachsen and Biosaxony
Organiser: futureSAX Location: Messe Dresden
2nd August: Beyond T Cells - Minicircles & Transposon for T Cell Production Speaker: Michael Hudecek, MD, University Hospital Wurzburg
Location: Lausitzhalle, Lausitzer Pl. 4, 02977 Hoyerswerda Organiser: WFS / SMWA
Leipzig Immune ONcology Conference Deadline for abstract submission: 12 June 2023
Topic: How can cluster organisations as an economic policy instrument strengthen resilience and actively shape the transformation in Saxony? In addition to expert presentations on current good practice examples of […]
Turning Research into Health An Ecosystem for Innovations in Cell and Gene Therapy
"Nucleic acid therapeutics: genetic indications and beyond" TranslaTUM, München
With SaxoCell participation! Watch out for more details.
Organiser: Cluster Medizin.NRW
Location: Airport Dresden
Biotech conference for start-ups, pharma and diagnostic companies, investors, researchers, and other biotech experts from Central Europe.
Global experts, seasoned physicians and next-gen talent discuss digital medicine and the integration of AI into oncology.
Leipzig Immune ONcology (LION) Conference Poster session with prizes!
On November 13 and 14, 2024, the Future Medicine Innovation Days will continue the success story of the Science Matches. Secure your free ticket now for the annual scientific conference […]