ASGCT – Spotlight on Immuno-Oncology

Seattle, USA

2nd August: Beyond T Cells - Minicircles & Transposon for T Cell Production Speaker: Michael Hudecek, MD, University Hospital Wurzburg

LION conference 2023

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig Immune ONcology Conference Deadline for abstract submission: 12 June 2023

Cluster-Konferenz Sachsen 2023

Leipzig, Germany

Topic: How can cluster organisations as an economic policy instrument strengthen resilience and actively shape the transformation in Saxony? In addition to expert presentations on current good practice examples of […]


Leipzig, Germany

With SaxoCell participation! Watch out for more details. Conference 2024

Prague, Czech Republic

Biotech conference for start-ups, pharma and diagnostic companies, investors, researchers, and other biotech experts from Central Europe.

LION 2024

Leipzig, Germany

Leipzig Immune ONcology (LION) Conference Submission deadline for abstracts: 20 June 2024 Poster session with prizes!