SaxoCell Stammtisch

Dresden & Leipzig, Germany , Deutschland

Dresden: CRTD patio Leipzig: beer garden (Bayrischer Bahnhof)

SaxoCell Stammtisch

Dresden & Leipzig, Germany , Deutschland

Dresden: Braugasthaus Zapfanstalt (starting at 6 PM) Leipzig: Brauereilokal Hopfenspeicher (starting at 4 PM)

Think Tank Nano2030


Meeting of the German Platform 'NanoBioMedicine'

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Project Management Invited experts: - Carolin Bauder, M.Sc., Program Manager, Vodafone Chair for Mobile Communications Systems, Technische Universität Dresden - […]

Of Genes and Human Beings Who Are We, and Who Might We Become?

Dresden, Germany

Location: Deutsches Hygienemuseum Dresden Guests: Nina Alexander Frank Buchholz Toni Heitkam Anna Hundsdörfer Wieland Huttner Min Ae Lee-Kirsch Martin Päckert Evelin Schröck Michael Sieweke Doreen William Hosts: Dr. Uta Bilow […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Postdoc and graduate programs (Master/PhD/Postdocs) Invited experts: - Dr.-Ing. Anna Martius, Managing Director, Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group, Technische Universität Dresden […]

SaxoCell spark meeting on animal models


Animal model task force Agenda: Introduction and chair by Dr. Thomas Grunwald, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig "Mouse models for the preclinical validation of immune therapies" Dr. André-René Blaudszun, Fraunhofer IZI Leipzig […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Advisor/ Special consultant Invited experts: - Dr. Reingard Jäger, Acting Advisor to the Rector, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden […]

COSMO Science Forum – Tuesday Expert Talk Series 2023

Dresden, Germany

Spotlight: Female science managers from different fields of work Topic: Diversity Invited experts: - Dr. Sylvi Bianchin, Referee Diversity Management, Directorate 9 University Culture, Unit 9.3 Diversity Management, Technische Universität […]

SaxoCell Potluck

Dresden, Germany

Casual get-together of our SaxoCell community Location: CRTD

Online meeting with PTJ (for applicants in phase 2)


The meeting will be focusing on questions regarding the financial part of the application. PTJ will answer our questions. --- Meeting-ID: 672 9247 4280 Kenncode: #8=^Ra0k

Tagesspiegel Fachforum Gesundheitswirtschaft


Topic: Land, Bund, Leuchtturm: Wie gelingt der Umschwung in der Gesundheitswirtschaft? Location: Verlagshaus am Askanischen Platz in Berlin or live stream Registration required!

Dornburg Cancer Talks

Forum for young scientists in the field of oncology Dornburg Cancer Talks is a joint scientific meeting of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Central Germany and the Institute of Molecular Cell […]

3. Erfahrungsaustausch der BMBF-Zukunftscluster

Munich, Germany

1st day: CNATM - LMU München CNATM @ LMU, Institut für Chemische Epigenetik – ICEM, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Würmtalstr. 201, 81377 München 2nd day: MCube - TU München Münchner Cluster für […]